Instagram Announcement: Instagram is Replacing the Swipe Up with Link Stickers

Say goodbye to the phrase “swipe up to learn more.” Instagram is planning to replace its story link swipe-up feature with link stickers in the latest Instagram announcement. These link stickers will serve a similar role when the feature begins to reportedly roll out on August 30th. Viewers will be able to click the tappable stickers on a story and be redirected to an external website. However, one notable addition is that viewers will now be able to swipe up and reply to a story. In the past, viewers have been unable to interact with stories containing swipe-up links, as they’d simply be redirected to the link.
The Benefit for Creators
The change to link stickers not only allows viewers the ability to swipe up and interact via replies and “quick reactions” but gives creators more flexibility with customizing their content as well. Influencers that utilized swipe-up story links only had one format to work with. Now creators will be able to adjust sizing, sticker location, and potentially even text. Notably, Instagram users must either be verified or boast over 10,000 followers in order to have access to the story swipe-up feature. For now, Instagram has stated that only users who previously had swipe-up privileges will have access to link stickers.
This update comes on the heels of an Instagram test in June to evaluate providing wider accessibility for link stickers instead of just for those with over 10,000 followers or a checkmark. Although not yet available for the nano-influencer, this feature would tremendously aid nano-influencers with less than 10,000 followers. Currently, nano-influencers can only place a singular link within their bio. The welcomed addition would provide a seamless process of driving click traffic to affiliate pages. With highly engaged and often niche followings, nano-influencers often perform well in the right affiliate marketing programs. During Instagram’s first-ever Creator Week, they announced their plans to provide creators with more ways to make a living. This new update further adds to the already abundant Instagram toolkit. Hopefully, nano-influencers will gain sticker link privileges sooner rather than later.

In conclusion, Instagram will be replacing its story swipe-up link feature with link stickers. These link stickers will provide creators with flexibility regarding the location and sizing of their call-to-action within their story. Interested in learning more about the Instagram announcement? Visit for more info.