How-To: Sponsored Content on IGTV

IGTV’s newest update features popular creators in banner-like form at the top of the screen upon entering the app.
The move comes after IGTV began testing monetization methods for creators who have historically shied away from IGTV in favor of a more-monetizable YouTube. Because of all the places IGTV content can surface within Instagram (in a user’s feed, in the app’s Explore tab, or an account’s profile page with preview) IGTV content has a longer shelf life and garners more views. Advertisers looking to partner with influencers should look to IGTV for maximum visibility across all surfaces of Instagram to create engaging content, unique to other platforms.
Here are some tips for creating sponsored IGTV content:
Transparent Partnership Disclosure: Leverage the branded content tag in IGTV. Including the tag, “paid partnership with,” immediately gets the obligation of FCC compliance off your shoulders and looks cleaner than having #ad followed with numerous other hashtags. Also, on IGTV, where the content shows up first and foremost, many don’t click on the title of the video to read the caption. Using this tag lets followers know that this content is sponsored from the get-go.
Always Tell A Story: Make the content exciting from the very beginning! With longer-form content it’s more difficult to hold the audience’s attention for longer. Given that they could exit out at any point, it’s especially important to make the beginning super-enticing.
Episode Mode: Think of the feed as a place for all of your fans, stories, for your bigger fans and IGTV for super-fans. Because IGTV allows for longer-form content, episodic content is an excellent way to retain and grow your audience. Long-lasting partnerships are better than one-off deals, and if you can weave brand sponsorships into an IGTV series, like Brettman Rock did (below) with his partnership with Instagram, even better.
Don’t let your IGTV strategy run flat! Visit to learn more!