Essential Tips to Increase Your Visibility On YouTube

YouTube is the second largest online search engine in the world. Millions of vloggers have joined the online platform in hopes to become the next Lily Singh or PewDiePie. But, only a very small percentage are able to generate thousands of views daily. Rather than focusing on creating the next viral hit of the week, dedicate your efforts on improving your online presence. With these essentials tips, you will be able to increase your visibility on YouTube.
Optimize your Videos Metadata
Metadata is the information that you enter to clearly define the subject of your video. This will help your videos rank on Google and Youtube. Making it easier for your videos to reach the highest number of people possible. Create concise but descriptive titles using key terms and phrases. Use social media analytic tools such as Captiv8 Insight to determine which keywords will generate the highest traction and engagement. Integrate these keywords into your title, video description, and tags. It’s important to add about 10-20 taps per video. Just make sure that those tags are relevant.
Organize Your Videos
Regardless of your niche, organize your videos into groupings based on theme or topic of your choice. Use keyword focused playlist titles and create accurate descriptions. Group your videos together. This will drive traffic and influence YouTube to showcase your videos on related search results and sidebars.
Be Authentic, Be Original
Do not copy other YouTuber’s styles and templates. This won’t increase your visibility. Rather, it will do the opposite. Be true to yourself and let your personality shine. Your fans watch your videos because they love you. They value your authenticity and are able to relate to your experiences. Create unique, engaging content that evokes feelings. Think outside of the box. Your videos need to add value and matter to your community. Integrate your style and brand throughout your videos. This will help you attract new followers and put yours on the map.
Stay Active in The Community, Interact with Your Audience
Your fans are everything. You won’t be able to increase your visibility without their help. Ignore the numbers and focus your efforts on building your community and audience. Interact and engage with everyone. Find like-minded individuals who are active in your niche community and subscribe to their channel. Join the conversation and interact with them as much as possible. Provide valuable comments, share your videos that you believe that your community will find interesting. Use your other social media networks to promote your content. Take advantage of Captiv8 Insights to gain a better understanding of your audience and their habits.
Create a Strong Call-To-Action in Your Videos
If you aren’t asking your viewers to do something, then you are missing a huge opportunity to promote your YouTube Channel. Add interactive annotated commentary to your videos. Ask your fans questions or to share their opinions. Create a call-to-action contest that encourages your fans to upload their own entries or comments. This will create a stronger call-to-action for your videos and will ultimately increase your visibility on YouTube.
Collaborate with other YouTubers
Social media is all about building a community and growing your social reach. Engage with more than just your followers. Connect with other YouTubers in your niche market. Many successful vloggers collaborate with other YouTubers from their industry or niche community. Collaboration opens up a huge window of opportunity. It gives you instant exposure to a much larger audience and gives your fans the chance to meet someone new.
How can you increase your visibility on YouTube? Captiv8’s powerful suite of social analytics tools offers all the right insights to captivate your audience and enhance your online presence. Sign up for a free trial today.