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What is Demure? Everything You Need to Know About the Demure Trend

What is Demure?

TikTok has always been a platform where trends can soar to astronomical popularity with lightning speed, but the latest craze to capture the imagination of users everywhere is the “demure” trend, spearheaded by content creator, Jools Lebron. If you have heard the term “demure” used recently, odds are that it was inspired by this most recent trend sparked by Lebron.

What is the Demure Trend?

The demure trend, as popularized by Jools Lebron, is all about being classy, elegant, and mindful. This trend began with what was highlighting a subtle and professional look. However, the trend has since evolved to define just about everything that is pleasant including behaviors, and interactions that are respectable and appreciated in contrast to being over-the-top.

The Recent Growth of Jools Lebron

With sparking TikTok’s latest trend comes increased visibility and popularity. As of Monday, August 19th, Lebron had seen a nearly 40% growth in TikTok followers in addition to massive spikes in engagement and view rates.

With this increased visibility and social media traffic, Lebron has positioned herself perfectly as a prime partner for brands. Looking to capitalize on this increased virality, Lebron pitched herself to Airbnb to showcase herself and the demure trend as an ideal partner.

This was met with incredibly high sentiment in the comments section. Travel brands such as Carnival Cruise Line were quick to offer themselves up as partners for Lebron’s demure trend if Airbnb did not take her up on her offer, while other brands attempted to join in landing partnership opportunities such as Spotify. Most notably, her comments section became a swell from brands all over the world to congregate and nudge Airbnb to take Lebron up on her incredible UGC video.

How Others are Participating in the Trend

Although the trend began with describing an appearance as demure, creators on TikTok have run with the idea. Creators like Abbie Herbert have gone on to use the demure trend to describe her eating style.


THE END 😭 Not very demure of poot 😭 #demure @Jools Lebron

♬ original sound – AbbieHerbert

Brands such as CBS have incorporated their spin as well to describe how their newscasters prepare for the morning news segments.


In conclusion, the latest demure trend was largely popularized by the creator Jools Lebron. What began as a way of describing her classy at-work appearance, has evolved into a way for creators and brands to deliver their own spin. Interested in learning how you can build a campaign that capitalizes on this recent demure trend? Chat with a specialist today!

About Captiv8

Captiv8 is a full-service influencer marketing solution that redefines end-to-end, inspiring you to think bigger, enabling you to plan smarter, and empowering you to execute better. Additionally, through our intuitive workflow, brands can uncover actionable insights on trends, discover and vet influencers, seamlessly activate campaigns at scale, amplify branded content across the digital ecosystem, and prove business impact through our measurement dashboard. Our platform gives you the tools you need to build relationships and effective content, while our teams lend experiences and strategic services to steer you clear of common influencer marketing pitfalls. Interested in learning more? Take a platform tour today!



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