The Hashtags that are Driving Racial Discussion Across Social

The uprising following the murder of George Floyd has been both rapid and expansive. Certainly, it’s the very beginning of a revolution to enact change and end systemic racism. That being said, activists have taken to social media to spread resources, experiences and words of wisdom–and leveraging hashtags helps to aggregate information and grow the movement. Let’s take a look at some of the top hashtags and their reach on Instagram.
Total posts: 71.89k (5/5/20-6/4/20)
Total engagements: 829.75k (5/5/20-6/4/20)
Black Out Tuesday took the world by storm, aimed to mute feeds in solidarity and amplify other posts with resources to support.
#Blacklivesmatter/ #BLM
Total posts: 51k (5/5/20-6/4/20)
Total engagements: 12.48m (5/5/20-6/4/20)
This hashtag originated when the original Black Lives Matter movement was born, and is still gaining traction day by day.
Total posts: 29.05k (5/5/20-6/4/20)
Total engagements: 365.23k (5/5/20-6/4/20)
According to the website, #TheShowMustBePaused is an initiative created by music executives Jamila Thomas and Brianna Agyemang in observance of the long-standing racism and inequality that exists from the boardroom to the boulevard.” The hashtag encourages people to take a pause for honest, reflective conversations about what actions we must all collectively take to support the Black community.
Total posts: 20.05k (5/5/20-6/4/20)
Total engagements: 55.37M (5/5/20-6/4/20)
Pride month celebrates those in the LGBTQ+ community and addresses ways to support them. The hashtag combines both the Black community and the LGBTQ+ community. It seeks to support not only Black lives, but specifically Black Trans lives which face some of the most violence and brutality for not only their race, but also gender.
Total posts: 9.91k (5/5/20-6/4/20)
Total engagements: 14.38M (5/5/20-6/4/20)
This hashtag aims to amplify Black voices that otherwise might not have been heard. And to provide a place where Black creators and activists can have people access their posts to see their perspective, tips, and experiences.
Total posts: 2.38K (5/5/20-6/4/20)
Total engagements: 112.31K (5/5/20-6/4/20)
WWD reports that the hashtag “calls on social media users to focus on the social justice work of BIPOC (black, indigenous and people of color) amid the national protests surrounding racial injustice and police brutality.”
On TikTok, Gen Z is showcasing Black Lives Matter Movement in a different way and doing it the way they know how, authentically and unabashedly.
Watch on TikTok
But also, the inspiring moments that the media may not show us.
And the TikToks both artistic and moving.
Watch on TikTok
We encourage you all to speak up and be actively anti-racist, while also continuing to seek out ways to support the end of systemic racism. As always, we’re here to talk.
For more resources or information visit