Instagram Influence Report – Domestic Beer

Welcome back to our industry benchmark series, an ongoing research project where we examine the degree of influence brands from various industry categories have on Instagram. This week, we’re examining some the Instagram performance of Domestic beer brands. Some key findings:
- Bud is the “King of Beers” and king of social – it’s probably no surprise to discover Budweiser and Bud Light dominated Instagram activity among domestic brands, with the two brands grabbing the #1 and #2 spots for number of contributors, posts and engagements during the previous 90 days. The two brands’ parent company, Anheuser-Busch, spent more than $1.9 billion on ads in 2016, which surely contributed to their social activity.
- Pabst gets a boost from the grassroots music scene – cult beer brand Pabst Blue Ribbon may not spend the same amount of money on advertising as a brand like Budweiser, but this well-known hipster brew is earning plenty of love from social savvy musicians like Kenny Day. Day’s contributed five of the brand’s top 10 posts, which average between 5,000 and 10,000 engagements each. This music-focused activity has helped put the brand in fourth place for Instagram engagements, just behind more famous competitors.
- Coors uses new loyalty program to boost its Instagram showing – Coors Light was the third-most popular non-craft domestic beer brand on Instagram for contributors, posts, and engagements. The company recently announced Coors Light XP loyalty program, which allows consumers to earn prizes for buying Coors products. One way to earn is by posting content on Instagram with #CoorsLightXPRewards, giving Coors a nice boost on social.
Want to learn more? Download the full report today to learn which beer brands are racing ahead of the competition as they look to drive the highest share of voice and overall engagement.