Influencer Spotlight: Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner! With ghosts and ghouls getting ready to go out and scare others there are those always on the hunt for the scariest things to watch and do. Below are a few influencers that can help inspire the scary in you all year round.
Throughout his world travels, Josh documents his experiences exploring the unknown. He has a passion for going out of his comfort zone and taking his camera lens into the spookiest of spots. His photo and video documentation of abandoned European castles and old architecture keep his viewers on the edge of their seats!
Suzy Berhow, also known as Mortemer, is an Insta-famous spook star and gamer. Her love of taxidermy animals and unique sense of fashion keep her followers full of Halloween-esque images all year round. For a more uplifting pause in the horror, followers can enjoy adorable images of her 3 munchkin kittens.
Cecil Trachenburg, a self proclaimed movie lover, is the owner and host of the YouTube channel, GoodBadFlicks . He uses this platform to discuss many horror flicks and keeps up witty dialogues with his following of other movie buffs. He started using his web show as a platform to talk about lesser known films and vent his frustrations about the current state of cinema. You can check out new video postings every Sunday to stay updated on all new movies!
Vanessa Decker is the queen of all things horror. On her YouTube channel, “Hello Horror”, she documents her life attending events, creating costumes and doing custom makeup looks. Her videos are adored by her large follower base who she keeps updated every Wednesday with a new video, check her out!
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