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Top TikTok Trends of 2022 [Download]

2022 TikTok Trends

Brands looking to reach their consumers and new audiences will have to meet them where they are. In today’s digital era, that is on TikTok. On average, TikTok users watch over 24 hours of content per month, 71% even go on to say that TikTok has a bigger impact on their lives than any other app. Find out what was trending on TikTok in 2022 by downloading the 2022 TikTok Trends Report!

In this report, you will learn about:

  • Key TikTok user stats to understand the platform’s effectiveness in driving conversions.
  • Some of the most viral trends that dominated TikTok in 2022.
  • Key takeaways to apply to future creator marketing campaigns. 



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